Inflatable Kayaks Fundamentals

Inflatable Kayaks

If you are searching the market for a kayak, you might have found yourself in the position of being confused when it comes to an actual purchase. There are just so many different types. From touring styles to sit-on-top, modular, and folding, there is no shortage of variety. But learning more about inflatable kayaks is a choice that can make your purchase a much easier decision.

For years, many people saw inflatable kayaks as just a step above a toy in the pool. One of the biggest disadvantages has always been performance. Thanks to recent technology, this is no longer a problem. Today’s inflatable kayaks deal just as well as any other type of kayaks. What is even better, however, is that inflatable kayaks have advantages that go far beyond the water.

If you are thinking of choosing a new kayak, this article will show you why you should not hesitate to choose an inflatable one.

Why are inflatable kayaks easier to move and store?

Transport and storage are probably the biggest benefits of an inflatable kayak. Thus, this particular advantage is a good enough reason to make an inflatable kayak worth buying. For most kayak owners, the day begins and ends with trying to tie their kayak to the roof of a vehicle and hoping the ropes hold as they travel down the road.

It’s a job that can be difficult to do on your own, and you have to be very careful about it unless you want to see your expensive kayak rising from the roof. When you have a traditional kayak, hitting the water requires a planned effort.

How do you transport an inflatable kayak?

The vast majority of inflatable kayaks can be placed in a large backpack, which means that they can be placed in the trunk of a vehicle, checked in an airplane, transported on a mountain route, or even taken in transit. You can carry and store inflatable kayak seats where you never dreamed of taking a traditional one.

Inflatable kayaks give you the option to have an effortless, have it around “just in case” scenario on hand. You can pack it with your belongings if you fly to a foreign country, take it to the elevator of an apartment building, or hide it in your RV storage space.

With an inflatable kayak, you have all the freedom and flexibility you need when it comes to going out on the water. You may not have planned to ride today, but if you just drove on a beautiful mountain lake, and the kayak is at your near disposal… why not?

How can you properly select an inflatable kayak that sums up your needs?

There are a lot of options to choose from and it can certainly be confusing when you are not familiar with all the different brands and models. If you have decided to get an inflatable kayak, although the research takes a little while, it’s fully worth it when you finally get that perfect kayak that best suits your needs and lifestyle.

To narrow down your choices, there are a few key points to consider before you even start your search.


Prices can vary drastically. Basically, you will get what you pay for with inflatable kayaks. However, that being said, not everyone wants to invest $ 1,000 in a quality kayak. Cheaper models may not work as well or even last that long, but they certainly have their use and will give you a few years of fun on the water.

Some people may plan to ride only a few times a year or want an extra kayak that doesn’t cost much for family and friends. Or maybe you’re not sure if kayaking will become a passion or just a forgotten hobby.

Although, recommending some of the really cheap models to those who have never used an inflatable kayak, can give them the wrong impression. Inflatable kayaks have often been called “ducks” or “glorified pool toys” and I’m afraid these stigmas come from some cheap models out there.

When it comes to good quality inflatable kayaks, their main purpose is to slide smoothly. Although you can definitely get a decent one for under $ 500, you will get a high-performance stronger kayak for closer to $ 1000.


The size will depend on your needs. These are all questions you need to consider…

  • Do you want a solo or tandem kayak?
  • How tall are you? Do you need room for your feet?
  • Would you like it to be very wide and very stable? Elegant and fast? Or something that integrates both?
  • How small and compact do you need your inflatable kayak to be?
  • How much do you plan to paddle? Do you need extra space to store the equipment?
  • Will you go out kayaking alone?

Very popular these days are tandem inflatable kayaks that can be converted for solo paddling. They allow extra flexibility and room which slides and is much more solid in the water. However, you may want a smaller model that is light and compact to take with you anywhere in the world. 

Knowing the answer to all the above questions will quickly narrow down your choices and help you get the perfect inflatable kayak you want and deserve.

What type of water will you encounter while using your inflatable kayak? Rivers, lakes, ocean bays?

We must understand if a water kayak or a touring kayak is what we actually need. Inflatable kayaks are like a jack-of-all-trades, but a master at none. They can be great if total flexibility is what you want.  

They have different shapes and characteristics and the one you choose has to be the perfect fit for your desires. For example, if touring is mainly going to be your main kayaking choice, it is recommended to get a kayak that excels in that area.

How durable are inflatable kayaks?

First things first: Not all inflatable kayaks are created equal and therefore there is a nuance when discussing how durable any old inflatable kayak is. Many factors related to kayak construction are essential to understanding how they work, and other external factors such as age or kayak care also make a big difference.

If you want to purchase a used inflatable kayak, it is extremely important to understand how old it is. This is because all plastics are subjected to different levels of degradation and also the glue used to hold the seams degrades over time. Cheaper materials, such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride for chemical tilt), are likely to deteriorate faster than more expensive materials, such as Hypalon.

What are inflatable kayaks made of?

Here are some of the most common materials used to make inflatable kayaks:

  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
  • Hypalon
  • Neoprene
  • Polyethylene
  • textiles

Although no one would blame you for thinking it’s just a long list of jargon chemistry, stay with me for a second and we’ll understand. In general, most inflatable kayaks use the same type of construction: a fabric core that gives shape to the kayak and a layer of synthetic rubber that provides airtightness, abrasion protection, chemical, and UV resistance. 

While the core of the fabric is essential, the way manufacturers apply the synthetic rubber layer varies the most and can affect the price, performance, and maintenance of the inflatable kayak.

Proper care and maintenance

With proper care and maintenance, you can expect most inflatable kayaks to last somewhere between 5 to 10 years. Again, this can vary greatly based on a wide variety of factors. In general, inflatable kayaks made of more expensive materials such as Hypalon can be expected to last longer than their PVC counterparts. It is recommended to gently wash your kayak after each use and store it properly in a place that is not subject to extreme temperatures.

Proper washing of the kayak will help you prevent some degradation of the materials, but the truth is that it is impossible to avoid degradation, because all plastics degrade completely over time. If the seams of your inflatable kayak are maintained entirely by glue, you can expect the glue to suffer degradation from about ten years after manufacture.

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